Sunday 27 September 2009

Final Demo, Proposal Defense, and a Stormy Day

Okay, so the past weeks hasn't really been friendly to me at all. I admit that I almost gave up in the midst of it but then again, if I did, I wouldn't be able to graduate. It's a dream of mine to wear that beautiful black toga and that blue Arts and Sciences sash. I want to walk down towards my future together with my friends and family. But if I fail to finish those exhausting requirements, that dream would take another year before it came true.

So here were the things I had to tackle for my graduation:
:bulletred: Final Demonstration (for practice teaching)
:bulletpink: Materials for my final demo
:bulletblue: Proposal defense (for thesis)
:bulletpurple: Powerpoint presentation for my proposal defense
:bulletgreen: Prepare final proposal paper for defense

:bulletred: FINAL DEMONSTRATION :bulletred:

I was having problems with my practice teaching from the start. My cooperating teacher (CT) wasn't so nice and the environment wasn't so friendly as well. I couldn't help but think that my CT is doing it on purpose to make me even more tired. She and the principal couldn't even understand that aside from practice teaching, I still have other subjects like Research (a.k.a. Thesis), Trends and Issues in Preschool, Economics, and Teaching Profession. It's really hard for me to focus on just one thing. I have to balance everything out.

Fortunately, I got to finish everything but only after going through a lot of difficulties. Last last week we had a demo dry run, and I wasn't exactly feeling my best at that time. I was really tired. So I failed. I wanted to cry but I couldn't let them see me so I went to school and when I met my best friend I started crying :crying:. But I resolved that when Tuesday came.I prepared again and I redrew all the materials. I'll post the pictures tonight if I feel like it :XD:. And last Friday, September 25, I finally got to finish my Final Demo~!! :party: :dance: A big thanks to a lot of people who prayed for me~!

:bulletwhite: Mom & Dad
:bulletwhite: Hazel (bff)
:bulletwhite: Sai (bff)
:bulletwhite: 4EDUC people (coursemates/batchmates)
:bulletwhite: Education lower years
:bulletwhite: Mami Ocenar

:dance: I'm so happy right now

:bulletpink: PROPOSAL DEFENSE :bulletpink:

Okay, Saturday was the most memorable day for me, my groupmates and my friends. We finally got to experience the proposal defense. It was good I suppose. We didn't have much trouble, and I can confidently say that our paper is approved. Probably with minor revisions, but still, it is approved.:dance: :XD: I'm too confident, I know. :D but if I'm not confident, then what would happen to our paper right?

However, on a much scarier note, Saturday was also a terrible day. After the proposal defense, we were originally planning to go to Waltermart to celebrate :party: we wanted to go and enjoy some karaoke, but we couldn't. The rain was pouring so hard and the water was starting to rise. :omg: When we left the Delas Casas building, our school's main building, we quickly walked through the path walk. The water was already up past my foot, of course, that was still not too high. However, the moment we left the campus, we faced a much a higher flood. I was worried, not only because of my car or because my laptop was with me, but because during that Saturday, my sister came with me to school for her NSTP class. I wasn't sure if she already got home or if she was still in school. Unfortunately my phone :mobile: was still loadless so I couldn't call her or text her. When we got near one of the canteens outside the campus I saw her and her *friend*. I asked my friend Gary to fetch her and we stayed in an empty canteen where there were tables that they could sit on. I sacrificed by standing on foot, while my legs were submerged in knee-deep water. Even though it didn't show, I was really scared. :tears: Then the water started to rise a bit more, until it reached near my thighs. I was scared, for myself, for sister, and for my friends. I knew everyone was tired. We've yet to eat lunch that time and I couldn't feel any hunger coming to me anymore. Another bad news came to use at around 2:47 pm. According to a friend of ours the dam in Real was going to open at 3pm. By then, I know that the water will rise, not only waist high, but neck high. I was scared. Right then and there, we were determined to pass the water and leave. And so, we recalled what the people did in people power and walked hand in hand until we got to pass. I was worried for my sister, she was so thin that she was almost taken away by the water. Thank God there was a kind man who carried her and helped her pass. Thank you manong~!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And we finally survived. Kuya Marvin came and fetched us. And I can finally say, that we're saved! I wasn't feeling so well though, but I was happy that I got come. I'd prefer getting stuck at home than getting stranded somewhere else while submerged in water. I seriously thought I was going to die with hypothermia. :tombstone: Luckily, I'm still here.

Everyone, let's help our fellow kababayans. Many have lost their homes and belongings. Many are still stranded somewhere. And many have already died. Let's pray that as one nation, we survive this disastrous calamity. :pray:

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