Friday 16 May 2008

Rainy Day..

You really can't predict the weather these days. One minute you're all sunny smiley and the next thing you know, the rain is already pouring all over you.

I can associate a lot of events in my life when it comes to the rain. It can be sad or happy. But I don't really regret those things that happened to me in the past. As I always say, 'if I continue dwelling on the past, what future would I look forward to?' Whatever bad experiences or good experiences happened, I just have to accept it and become better in the future.

I love making memoirs. Doing this blog is one form of my expression so I guess I can do whatever I want to do here. I'm not much of a violator so no one would need to worry about that. I'm simply babbling about the outcomes of my life and the plans I have for my future.

Here goes...

The pitter patter of the rain on my window always reminds me of my old home in Saudi Arabia. That's where I grew up. I'd always remember the days when the cold weather would continue, while we feel toasted inside our classrooms. The rain would only come once in every year, so there wasn't much to expect from it. But I still feel blessed whenever I remember those days. The rain doesn't literally signify the once in a year rain is Saudi Arabia. Often, I associate it with my school life. The trials me and my friends were able to overcome and the exams that we had to take. Looking back to what I was able to accomplish, I feel blessed that I'm here right now. That I was able to survive the adjustment for college and that I'm still me. My former classmates are faraway from me now, and none of them really bothers to contact me anyway, but it seems like it doesn't matter to me anymore. As long as I'm contented with the life I have, I'm happy.

On current and more cheerful events, I'm glad that I somehow get great results for my daily storms, the summer classes. It really feels odd to be in school during the summer holidays. At least I'm three subjects lesser now. It'll only take two more years and I'll be able to walk down the aisle of graduation and say hello to the real grown up world. Actually, I'm not so sure if I'm looking forward to it but I am looking forward to being able to earn on my own and buy things that I desire to buy.

Well, it's only 1:22 (according the clock in my PC) in the afternoon. I don't have class for the rest of the day that's why I'm at home. The rain has just seized for today's dose. Anyway, God Bless..

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