Friday 30 May 2008

Swimming party!

Ok, this post will be a little shorter than usual. I'm in a hurry to rest since I have to fix my stuff. I have an anime convention to go to tomorrow and I have to get ready.

Well, last Tuesday, me and my friends had a pool party at Casa Descanso in Pansol. It's a private pool that my aunt allows people to rent. Me and my friends, along with two of my younger guys cousins, enjoyed the night. We swam. We sang in the karaoke machine and we had a blast. Although there were very few who came, what matters to me is that we all enjoyed. I'm liking the new crowd that I've been hanging around with. They're very good influences and I know that they're really great people.

Since I'm in a hurry, I'll leave some pictures of our party instead. Ja!

Friday 23 May 2008

For the past days.

It's been six days (including today) since my last blog post, that's why I'm posting again today.

Last Sunday was an 'OK' day, I guess. I didn't do anything much, except for clowning around and trying to finish some requirements I think. But the weather wasn't really cooperating that day so I guess it wasn't really an uber 'OK' day after all.

Monday was also fine with me. I was expecting to have a pre-test for one of the major subjects I was taking for this summer but the professor decided that we should just take the test, the real one, the following day. So, we just listened to a few announcements and then we left for lunch. I had to wait for a while before I had my next class. It wasn't so boring anymore since I was with my friends.

Tuesday was also equally fine. There wasn't much to do during that day. I think that was the day when we submitted the
'100 ideas' assignment we had for my Science professor. Amongst all of us inside the class, I was the only one to finish all 100 so I'm really happy about it. Not that I'm bragging or anything, but I really did work extra hard to finish all that. And just imagine how long I wrote those words in a yellow pad paper? Right? Anyway, like I said earlier, we had a test for my other class. It was all in multiple choice form so I find difficult to answer. But it went well, I think.
I also met up with my friends on Tuesday, by the way. We had to talk about the cosplaying plans for Mangaholix. Well, actually we're only costripping so it's not that big of a deal unlike those of the other people's. But I was happy to see them again.

On Wednesday, my worst nightmare was confirmed. I can no longer costrip as Saber from Fate/Stay Night. The seamstress that my aunt knew was really busy
with a lot of charges that she has so she wouldn't be able to make the costume on time. It's really hard for me to accept that. I had to look up new characters that I could cosplay afterwards. In the end, I decided to costrip my old costume again. It doesn't matter to me that much anyway. I'll post pictures of that day here.

Wednesday was also performance night for American Idol. I'm not that much of an avid fan but I do watch A.I. from time to time. The finalists were David Cook and David Archuleta. I was siding with Archuleta but I guess he wasn't the best choice after all. The following day, Thursday, we found out that Cook won in the finals.
Wednesday was also rather chaotic for me and my friends. I won't dig in through the details any longer but I am hoping that everything becomes ok before May 27 comes. We're having a swimming party during the night of that day until the 28th. I'm quite excited actually. All my friends are coming along with me.

Thursday was a really ok day since I didn't actually have any class that day. My Science professor left early after giving us the instructions on what to do for our class. We didn't have anything scheduled for the next class since the last day would be the only day when we will meet. And lastly, the last subject wasn't that strenuous either. Someone from the higher year would be having a teaching demo and we will only observing and serving as the class. All I did during Thursday was nothing but study Japanese again and lounge around the school with my friends. All we did was put on make up and then chat and chat endlessly. My friends seems to have eased the former tension already. But I wasn't anyone to risk anything.

What happened today, you ask?

Well, we had a field trip to the local public market. We had to see what was happening inside the wet section so me and Che, went to the public market and took a look at what was happening, from a certain distance. It was really stinky and there were so many people. Bad odor and a huge number of people doesn't really jive well in my system so we only took a few minutes before heading of to Jollibee. Afterwards we went to 7/11 to buy some slurpies. The ones we bought were flavored watermelon but it didn't taste like a watermelon.
We went to RCBC afterwards so we could wait for another friend of ours. An old lady approached us and she begged for money. I couldn't refuse. I really pity those kinds of people but I'm not really that good in handling them. Afterwards, after meeting with our friend, we went to school to hang out for a while. We didn't really have to go to school today but we decided to go anyway. We had teppanyaki for lunch and then we went somewhere else. By 1:00 pm I was already at home. I was really sleepy so I slept for a very long four hours. It's been a long time since I had my siesta, or afternoon nap. This time I was able to watch the shows I wanted to watch and I was both happy and sad. Happy because I got to see the shows again and sad because I didn't really know what happened during the previous episodes. Anyway, it was still fun. And now, I'm here, sitting in front of my PC looking for a software called Urumadelvi paint. It's a drawing and an animating software. You can draw something directly and animate it there on the software itself. You can even save it as a flash file. This is what the horoscope thingy said in my friendster account:
Let someone else be the sensible leader while you spend some time having some fun.

That's why I'm trying my best to have some fun whilst I am away from my family. Enjoy life! Love yah!

Saturday 17 May 2008

The Boring Saturday

Okay,.here goes..

Today is an extremely boring day. All I did was sit and watch TV. There wasn't anything good on TV at all. I found it really boring. I went to my aunts' house instead to just chat and show her the costumes that we had chosen. The cool part is, she chose Saber! I really like Saber! Yahoo!

Beautiful isn't she? Now my only problem is Excalibur. I'm not going as an official cosplayer so I can let the wig pass but I definitely want an Excalibur with me. It adds life to my costume too! Sporting the sword will give additional impact to my costume. Plus, I'm really into this medieval style and stuff. I read a lot about King Arthur and the Knights of the round table.

Well, that seems to be the exciting part of it all. My friends, Umi and Yhuey, are going as Rin and Sakura, also from Fate/Stay Night. I've already sent them the pictures and they've already decided on it. I'm excited. We only have two weeks left and making all of our props (at least my prop) should be started already. I'm making mine with wood and papermache (is the spelling right?). I have to start doing it by tomorrow. I might ask some help with it from my grandfather (he's a carpenter) since he knows more about stuff like wood and all.

The next part of today's blog is all about the boring stuff. I watched TV this morning and all I was able to see was crappy stuff. Animax doesn't have new stuff yet and Music station doesn't start until Friday. All I did for fun was sit on the sofa and read magazines. Which wasn't really fun at all. At least it wasn't hot anymore and the wind is really strong. I even took pictures of my windblown hair. Hahaha...

Currently, right at this moment (8:47pm) I'm helping a friend for the Mangaholix cosplay collision event. So I'm quite busy reading the manga she used as basis.

Well, gtg..

Friday 16 May 2008

Rainy Day..

You really can't predict the weather these days. One minute you're all sunny smiley and the next thing you know, the rain is already pouring all over you.

I can associate a lot of events in my life when it comes to the rain. It can be sad or happy. But I don't really regret those things that happened to me in the past. As I always say, 'if I continue dwelling on the past, what future would I look forward to?' Whatever bad experiences or good experiences happened, I just have to accept it and become better in the future.

I love making memoirs. Doing this blog is one form of my expression so I guess I can do whatever I want to do here. I'm not much of a violator so no one would need to worry about that. I'm simply babbling about the outcomes of my life and the plans I have for my future.

Here goes...

The pitter patter of the rain on my window always reminds me of my old home in Saudi Arabia. That's where I grew up. I'd always remember the days when the cold weather would continue, while we feel toasted inside our classrooms. The rain would only come once in every year, so there wasn't much to expect from it. But I still feel blessed whenever I remember those days. The rain doesn't literally signify the once in a year rain is Saudi Arabia. Often, I associate it with my school life. The trials me and my friends were able to overcome and the exams that we had to take. Looking back to what I was able to accomplish, I feel blessed that I'm here right now. That I was able to survive the adjustment for college and that I'm still me. My former classmates are faraway from me now, and none of them really bothers to contact me anyway, but it seems like it doesn't matter to me anymore. As long as I'm contented with the life I have, I'm happy.

On current and more cheerful events, I'm glad that I somehow get great results for my daily storms, the summer classes. It really feels odd to be in school during the summer holidays. At least I'm three subjects lesser now. It'll only take two more years and I'll be able to walk down the aisle of graduation and say hello to the real grown up world. Actually, I'm not so sure if I'm looking forward to it but I am looking forward to being able to earn on my own and buy things that I desire to buy.

Well, it's only 1:22 (according the clock in my PC) in the afternoon. I don't have class for the rest of the day that's why I'm at home. The rain has just seized for today's dose. Anyway, God Bless..

Thursday 15 May 2008

What I did today..

Although being kind is something good, I should really try to learn on how I'd control it. Luckily, my favorite professor taught me about that, indirectly. There was a need for documentation in our class and the only thing we used for recording the class events was my camera phone. It's quite difficult. I have to transfer the videos taken and place it in my computer day by day. Although the demonstrations weren't that long, still, i find it tiring to keep on doing the same routine day by day. Today though, I wasn't able to re-charge my phone and I wasn't able to transfer the previous videos as well. I nearly freaked out when I remembered that we needed to document today's activity. I informed my teacher that my phone was in no condition to record today, and gladly, she didn't complain about it. It wasn't my sole responsibility to bring a camera phone to class. It was the responsibility of every presenter, not mine. I somehow felt relieved about it. Aside from those stuff, I'm proud to say that I wasn't late for today's class! Hurray for me! I got there before the professor did and I was able to rest a bit before the class finally began. I passed a paper about how important the overpopulation of dogs were in America and then I assisted my professor with the encoding. I'm proud to say that the lowest I got for my grades during the midterms for this summer is 98%! (Cool!) I really can't believe it! All in all, I got 98.60% for this term. Tomorrow will be our pretest for Science, the same subject where I arrive late every morning. The pretest tomorrow will determine whether I will be exempted from taking the final exams. Neat huh? Speaking of dogs, since I mentioned it earlier, I saw a really cute Maltese puppy this afternoon. It was really cute! It was so white and so tiny. I didn't know whether I found the puppy or the owner cute, though? He was cute. (And they're both wearing white. White fur. White polo shirt). My friend told me I was making pa-cute but I was just really interested with the puppy. I love animals after all. (Come to think of it, the owner is one of the samples of the highest forms of animals, humans. Woah! What an excuse!)

Wednesday 14 May 2008

How my day went...

I woke up really late today and considering I have a summer class for science that starts at 8 am, it was really downright embarrassing when I entered the class. My professor was a very nice woman so she let me go without further adieu. At least I made up for being late by reciting really well in class. I'm not really a morning person but I have a certain liking for science and speaking.

The next class was equally embarrassing. I was late, again, because my friend and I came from the cafeteria. We both didn't eat breakfast so we decided to munch on something first before heading to class. I had a burger and a cold Milo while she opted for a plate of macaroni and iced tea. Fortunately, the next class that I was late in entering was fine as well, since I've already finished my report a day before. It really pays off when you study.

Anyway, my best friend was absent for half of the day because she was having stomach cramps and couldn't go to school. She came in the afternoon for her demo teaching though. During the spare time that I had before my last class, I stayed with some of my friends. We talked, sung, put on make-up and did other stuff as well. I resumed to my sketching after about an hour of doing other stuff. It was fun hanging around with them.

The last class has always been my favorite for this summer. It's not because I don't have anymore classes at night but because I really like our teacher there. She's a lot of fun to be with. She strikes jokes and talks with us the way cool moms are. And it's really something that I enjoy right now since both my parents are away. I find it amusing that she treats all of us like her own children. I guess that's why she gets really disappointed when one of us doesn't do his or her job. That's why I always try my best whenever I do something in her class. It's quite difficult but I guess impossible things become possible when you strive really hard to succeed in doing it.