Thursday 25 September 2008

I got this from my sissie's post in FS

What is the best nickname that u
ever had?
>Aya and Mikan
2. Do you think suicide is the best
way to end your pain?
> way...only dummies kill themselves
3. Rate your social life from scale 10
>8 =3
4. Are you in love with someone at the
>I guess so,,,hahaha
5. are you missing someone at the
>Mah family, the dude who left and mah best bud
6. Would you die for the one you love?
>Depends. If it's for something incredibly stupid, no. If it's for something good, maybe yah...
7. Do you think love hurts?
>That's always part of it
8. Whats the best thing about love at
first sight?
>Dunno, don't believe it either..
9. What's the worst thing about love?
>Promises, cause they're meant to be they say...
10. Will you wait for someone you
>If the person is worth the wait, why not.. But if otherwise, I'd move on ahead of him
11 . What song best describes your love
life at this second?
13. Do you wanna get married?
>Who doesn't?
14. Have you talked to the person you
love on the phone?
>Yeah, I think so..haha
15. Do you keep memories or try to
forget them?
>Depends on the memories, but if they're good, i don't need to keep them.. because they never get erased anyway
16. Is love always on your side or the
>HAHA~! Good question~! I think it depends on the situation.
17 . Do you have a gay/lesbian/bi
sexual friend?
>Gays and bisexuals I think...but I dunno about lesbians...
19. Are you sick of love?
>Nope,,cause love MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND (c/o PPG)
20. Are you sick of questions on love?
>Not really...
21. What are you going to do tomorrow?
>It's friday tomorrow so I might spend time in school a a report...and other stuff..
22. What do u want so badly right now?
>COSPLAY, Anime, Money, Books, Mangas, etc. etc. etc.
23. Do you think money is your everything?
>Nope, the world is my everything~!
24. What song are you listening right
>No song..just the soft pitter patter of the rain
25. Whats the song, you last sang?
>Wherever you will go (Sam Milby version hahahha lolz XD)
26 . How much do you love music?
>A Passion I cannot live without. Drugs is to addicts as Music is to me.
27. Do you play an instrument?
>Guitar is all but I prefer singing
28. Have you written your own song?
>Yep, in mah mind and in letters
29. Where did you last go?
>Lianas,,for groceries..
30. What turns you on from the
opposite sex?
>Gentleman, intelligence of the person, communicating skills, way of dressing, hobbies
31. Do you believe in forever?
>If I do then I'd be Peter Pan for yah...Let's go to Never Land so we won't grow up and remain like this forever~!

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