Monday 22 September 2008

The blabberthon

Oh well~! It's been a while since I last updated my blog so I have to make up for it.
YOSH~! The Yaoi con ended successfully and at the same time a bit disappointing.
We didn't get souvenir tickets that we soooo~! Loved..
Either way, i think it was fun because of Miku-chan~!
He's the butler from Cafe Le Mirage. He's really a cutie~!
He's so charming~!
He's so adorable~!
If he were a stray puppy I'd keep him~!
Hahaha~! Another rant of my idiocy about random things.
Moving on...
School has been terribly exhausting.
We have loads of term papers to finish and submit.
We need to come up with slide presentations and other stuff for those as well.
We also have an upcoming play for our Buhay at Gawa ni Rizal class.
*I'm the director for that play by the way*
Although I am proud that I'm the director, I feel that it's quite tiring.
Anyway, on a lighter mood, our tour duties has begun~!
I started last, last Saturday, on September 13th.
The first day was only an orientation and we didn't really do much.
There weren't much tourists as well.
Last Saturday was the best~!
I had a blast with the groups that I toured. They were kind and willing to learn
The last one was exceptionally kind. They gave me a tip. XD
I didn't really want to accept because it wasn't actually a job, but they insisted.
Also, there is an upcoming convention in Enchanted Kingdom this September 28th.
If I get to find a pair of black shorts, I might come, since I'm already officially registered.
I might go as Ryoma Echizen.

Anyway, I'm blabbering on and on and on again~!
Artsy stuff has always been a hobby for me. I consider it as an outlet of my frustration in life.
I managed to buy a good set of oil pastels and I've been using it to my heart's content.
I hope I get a good shot at using it because I really think that It's great~!
People around me rarely explore the wonders of OIL PASTELS.
HAHA~! I'm so freaky at times...

The microteaching we had in class ended last Friday.
I got an A+~!
A 95% actually. And the dean for the school of arts and sciences watched.
I was so relieved when my turn ended. It wasn't exactly easy you know~!
I tend to mess up when I'm under pressure.
But I seem have pulled through it because I got a good grade.

I've been updating my friendster account a lot these past few days.
I got a little addicted with the editing and stuff.
Right now I have Wolfam-chibi and Yuuri-chibi as my background.
I'm thinking of adding some music to it but I'm not so much of a fan of noisy stuff and my kind of music is a little difficult to find.
Anyway, updates will come soon.
Watch out for it~!

I've been reading a lot of mangas lately.>,<
I read a manga/novel entitled Only the Ring Finger Knows
It's shounen-ai in genre so Hii-kun hasn't read it yet.
I'm pretty sure he won't read it either.
It's really nice~! I like it a lot~!
Another manga I read was After School Nightmare.
Basically, it's about a person who's half a girl and half a guy.
I'm getting confused so I'll just use he to clear it up okay?
He has the upper body of a man while his lower half is of a female.
He isn't a hermaphrodite.
The story is quite interesting. There's a guy in his class who likes him.
And I want them to end up together.
The girl who's in love with him really isn't that appealing so I would prefer him with the guy. blabberthon ends here..
I have no more energy to rant about other stuff..
I'll update again soon.

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