Tuesday 12 August 2008

My Idol

It's unfair! How come people get to have the chance to be with the person you really like and then you're deprived of that chance? Life really isn't fair! And it even reached to the point that not only do you feel deprived of the opportunities that you long to grasp but you don't even have the strength to control over what you really want. Am I not that determined enough? Don't I strive as much to give everything that I can just to be able to show that I can also feel the blessings that others experience.

Not to exaggerate on things, but I really do feel insecure whenever I see people who've already reached their dreams and achieved what they've longed to do. Is it too much to ask if I say that I at least want to experience the opportunity of having to bask in the attention that I so long to feel. People may think that it sound really selfish, but I'm just being real. I can't just shun myself out from the reality that I don't get what I know I deserve to get. Just because I'm different.

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